Range of Services
Welcome to the main page of the private psychiatric surgery run by Leszek Czerwiński, M.D., psychiatry doctor, providing services including:
diagnosis and treatment of such disorders of psychic function as depression, dysthymia and other mood disorders, neurosis, response to stress, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia and other psychoses, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer-type dementia and psychopathological syndromes after a stroke, intoxication or traumatic brain injury; sleep disorders; diagnosis and treatment of metabolic syndrome;
diagnosis and treatment of addiction to psychoactive substances such as alcohol and drugs and bevioral addictions, according to the phases of addiction; pharmacological treatment of alcohol withdrawal symdrome; detoxification of alcohol and drugs; initiating treatment with modern medications used to reduce harmful alcohol consumption (nalmefene) and increase abstinence (naltrexone, acamprosate);
diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders, sex addiction, addiction to pornography; diagnosis and treatment of testosterone deficiency syndrome, transsexualism, problems of gender identity and sexual orientation; marital therapy and partnership ties disorders and sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, lack of sexual desire, dyspareunia, orgasmic dysfunction;
psychological support for relatives of patients addicted; therapeutic counselling;
family consultation; family therapy;
crisis interventions; psychoeducation;
Consultations in English.

Methods of Treatment
Conclusions from the analysis of the causes of the reported problems are decisive factors in the choice of methods of therapeutic intervention. Basically, there are two methods of intervention – drug therapy and psychotherapy, which are joined together in situations where the combined therapies prove to be most effective. In the case of a number of mental disorders the most appropriate step is to start, resume or correct pharmacotherapy aimed at modulating neurotransmission within the structures of the brain which is a complex organ responsible for experiencing emotional states and other neurochemical processes. Due to the multiplicity of causes of psychopathological symptoms, it is often necessary to perform additional tests and to administer drugs that affect the function of further organs and systems, and to work in cooperation with doctors of separate specialties, as well as to ensure correct nutrition, selected dietary supplements, physical activity and relaxation. Man is a whole, therefore, the psychiatrist should not be seen only as a “doctor of the head.”
On the other hand, the mental state of an individual is significantly affected by emotions accompanying a real life situation experienced both now and in the past, as well as by traumatic experiences and stress. The understanding of psychological mechanisms that cause specific reactions and psychopathological symptoms in the course of situational problems, interpersonal and family conflicts, internal crises or addictions creates the possibility of deeper reflection and of changing the way of experiencing and human functioning in the specific living conditions. Psychotherapy contributes to improving the well-being and quality of relationships with other people through a therapeutic dialogue.